Welcome to my little blog all about raising a child with Autism and raising awareness

My son Connor was diagnosed with Autism at age 3. Now, at age 5 the diagnosis clearly takes a back seat to his fantastic personality. His sense of humor breaks through the Autism that has robbed him of his ability to get a grasp on other emotions that come naturally to the typical child. This blog is about one Moms perspective. The ups, downs, fears, joys and hopes that I and so many other Moms and Dads have from day to day when you have a child with Autism. So... read and learn a little, laugh a little, maybe even cry a little, hope a little and shout out with joy along with me!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Don't Be Jealous......

  Connor is 5 now and we will be sending him to Kindergarten this fall. He has some speech but was initially diagnosed as non-verbal Autistic. It didn't take very long for people whose children had mastered talking a few years ago to lack that certain enthusiasm when I would say "You will never believe what Connor said today..." You could see it in their eyes and really I couldn't blame them. I have to say though, as a parent of a typical child as well, yes it is a joy when your child says his first words. Pretty much up until the point they become negative. With my son, its a whole new ball game. Autism has its joys at times. Thats right, I said something positive about Autism. When Connor started using words as difficult as they were to understand, it was an unbelieveable joy to hear them! Still, even though his vocabulary has increased I have moments with him when I don't know whether to laugh, cry or wet my pants from shock at what hes said.  He is a suprise package that keeps me on my toes and sometimes the edge of my seat.  The other night at dinner he had a chicken drumstick on his plate, after eating the breading he asked for "more chicken". "No" I said "you have chicken right here." I pulled some off for him. "Oh Cool!" He said. Yep, thats my boy.

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