Welcome to my little blog all about raising a child with Autism and raising awareness

My son Connor was diagnosed with Autism at age 3. Now, at age 5 the diagnosis clearly takes a back seat to his fantastic personality. His sense of humor breaks through the Autism that has robbed him of his ability to get a grasp on other emotions that come naturally to the typical child. This blog is about one Moms perspective. The ups, downs, fears, joys and hopes that I and so many other Moms and Dads have from day to day when you have a child with Autism. So... read and learn a little, laugh a little, maybe even cry a little, hope a little and shout out with joy along with me!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Save the Date

I have been thinking about the planning that must be done for next year and the beginning of Connor's IEP season. It started with a email from Connor's consultant. "Do you have plans to put him in some sort of summer tutoring to keep up his skills?", "I would like to start setting some goals for his IEP in May".  Those questions make my skin crawl and start the onset of parenoia that commonly begins the IEP season. Thoughts like "I should have been thinking of goals two weeks ago!", "I didn't even think about summer tutoring let alone who was going to provide it!", "I need to talk to next years teacher, replace our current consultant, talk to the principal...........etc. infinity for eternity."  On the other hand, my mind also wanders to happier, crazier places. There has got to be a silver lining to the dark, dreaded cloud that is IEP season. Why not have a I Survived the IEP Season Party?  So I talked to my other local  Autism Mommy home girls. They liked my idea too! So here a copy of the official invite. Wish you could join us!

                                 You are officially invited to the I Survived IEP Season After Party!

                       Got your ducks in a row? Then Join us for madcap merriment and wine tasting!

                                                           When: May 17th, 2012 @ 7pm
                                                             Where: Bendetto's Wine Bar

 A official I Survived IEP Season 2012 t-shirt will be given to the person with the "best" worst IEP meeting story!

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