Welcome to my little blog all about raising a child with Autism and raising awareness

My son Connor was diagnosed with Autism at age 3. Now, at age 5 the diagnosis clearly takes a back seat to his fantastic personality. His sense of humor breaks through the Autism that has robbed him of his ability to get a grasp on other emotions that come naturally to the typical child. This blog is about one Moms perspective. The ups, downs, fears, joys and hopes that I and so many other Moms and Dads have from day to day when you have a child with Autism. So... read and learn a little, laugh a little, maybe even cry a little, hope a little and shout out with joy along with me!

Monday, August 22, 2011

School Daze..........

Well...... here I am on the brink of Connors first day of Kindergarten. Tons of work since the beginning of February to get him into this school and here we finally are and I still believe it will all be worth it. He needs to be at that school in order to thrive. I know it. Don't ask me how, I just know it.

First of all I must give credit where credit is due. "Team Connor" (and you better believe its a team) is awesome this year. While it saddened me greatly to leave a fantastic program with teachers that were remarkable, his kindergarten teacher is special she was when my daughter was in her class, but lately I have come to see her in a new light. This lady was quick to step up to the plate when I asked her how she felt about Connor attending school there. She offered to observe him in his current program. She talked with his current teacher. She attended several meetings and an teacher inservice to learn more about the Autism Spectrum and how it related to my son. She has asked on many occasions what she might do to better accomodate him in the classroom. Does she have special needs certification of any kind? Nope and thats fine by me. I am not looking for special certification,I am looking for understanding, willingness to learn about my son and his ways and someone who is willing to get past Autism. My son is not the big scary monster, the word Autism is.  The principal at the school; young, naive, willing to try something new even when his plate is full as a new first time principal at our school. That makes him awesome in my book. To all the other teachers in the school who will be working with Connor and who took the time to attend the inservice; I also thank you for stepping up to the plate. Thank you for expressing your desire to help him succeed in this school. You will never know how much I appreciate it.

I just met Connors aide today. Sarah. Experienced, smart, a real workier bee. I was completely impressed that rather than have a firm plan on how she would work with Connor, she will let him take the lead. Really, does it get any better? 

So, if it all goes wrong, if the school plan falls all to pieces at least I will have these precious moments of hope that I have right now. Oh yeah, and that margarita in the fridge.............;)

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